Our Mission:
Alachua County Education Association is a union of professional workers dedicated to advancing the cause of public education. We educate students, empower our members, and work with parents and the community to build a stronger Alachua County.
This committee develops the methods and procedures for evaluation of employees and makes recommendations to the school board while following state mandates. Read More.
The Alachua Teacher Assistance Program (ATAP) is a program for teachers who need additional help in the classroom. Members of the committee determine placement in the program and appointments of consulting teachers to assist teachers in need of support. Read More.
​It’s important for ACEA members who want to participate in the political process to have an avenue for doing so. Therefore, a Political Action Committee was formed called Alachua Totally Involved in Government and Education Reform (A-Tiger). ACEA members can join A-Tiger by completing an application. Read More.
​ACEA members work with district staff to create a calendar for each school year, including decisions on flex days and vacation days. The committee makes recommendations to the school board. Read More.
​Both teachers and ESPs have collective bargaining teams that work throughout the year to negotiate our contracts. These negotiations involve working conditions as well as salaries and benefits. Read more.
CREATE Council
​The Collaborative Resources for Educational Alternatives for Teacher Education (CREATE) Council is a state-mandated board that oversees professional development for our district. Read more.
Elections for ACEA officers and other members of the Executive Board, held in the spring, are supervised by the elections committee.
The insurance committee reviews different insurance options each year and they meet to discuss those options. This committee makes recommendations regarding insurance to the school board. Read more.
This committee works to increase membership in our organization and works to improve benefits for our members.
The Retired Alachua County Educators (TRACE) provides opportunities for members to continue their membership and involvement in matters concerning education. Membership is open to any retired education union member. Read more.
There are several committees that the Senior ACEA Representative at each school is responsible for monitoring. Each one of the committees involves an election at the school.
Building Concerns.
There are 3-5 ACEA members on this committee at each school and the details can be found in the contract (Article V, sec 6). ACEA coordinates the election in the Fall and only ACEA members may participate in the voting. There are no term limits.
Placement Review.
This committee addresses situations involving grossly disruptive students and details can be found in the contract (Article XVI, sec 2). There are three members on a placement review committee if the need arises for such a committee. There is one “standing” member and one “alternate”. Those two individuals are selected by the faculty and should be done at the beginning of each new school year. If an issue then arises during the year with a grossly disruptive student, the teacher selects a teacher representative for the committee and the principal selects a teacher representative for the committee.
School Advisory Council (SAC).
SAC positions are open to the faculty at large and terms are for 2 years. ACEA holds the elections for SAC openings when they arise (Article XIX, sec 1)
SBAC employees have the negotiated right to join a sick leave bank. It is an important right. The members who serve on this committee review applications and make decisions about awarding sick days to those who have exhausted their own due to catastrophic circumstances.
Whenever new textbooks are being adopted by the district, employees who use those materials evaluate the choices and make recommendations.
Bargaining Related Committee--during negotiations, committees may be formed to investigate specific issues that arise. These committees investigate the issues and provide the bargaining teams with information and recommendations. Previous issues that were investigated by committees include early release Wednesday, guidelines for lesson plan requirements, and compression of the salary schedule for ESPs.
Various Event Committees--ACEA has numerous events throughout the year including an Appreciation Dinner, Legislative BBQ, and Retirement Dinner. These events are important to our organization, and we are always in need of individuals who are willing and able to plan them. This is a great way to get involved.