Our Mission:
Alachua County Education Association is a union of professional workers dedicated to advancing the cause of public education. We educate students, empower our members, and work with parents and the community to build a stronger Alachua County.
CREATE Council
Instructional Contract
Article XV. Professional Development (CREATE) Council
Section 1. Membership
The Association will provide the Board with a list of teachers and career service personnel qualified to serve on the Professional Development (CREATE) Council, from which the Board will appoint teacher and career service council members. The initial list will be given to the Board by the Association no later than July 20 of each year so appointments can be made by the Board on or before September 1. If vacancies occur, the Association will submit name(s) to fill the vacancy (ies).
Section 2. Terms of Office
The term of office of each Council member will be not more than three years.
Section 3. Responsibilities
The Professional Development (CREATE) Council will plan and make recommendations to the Board regarding inservice programs of the district, based on the expressed needs of teachers and career service personnel. The recommendations will also include consideration of available funding.