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Collective Bargaining

Wages and working conditions are all negotiated through a  collective bargaining process.  The School Board and ACEA each have representatives who come together throughout the year to collectively bargain the terms of the two different contracts.  There is a contract for all instructional staff and another contract for non-instructional staff, or ESPs.   As new language is agreed to by the collective bargaining teams,  it is submitted to the School Board members and to members of the bargaining unit for ratification.


Instructional Collective Bargaining Committee Members:

  • Carmen Ward: ACEA President, Chief Negotiator

  • Crystal Tessman: ACEA Service Unit Director

  • Teresa Cornelison (Howard Bishop)

  • David Dixson (Westwood)

  • Don Devito (Rawlings)

  • Kelly Moore (Littlewood)

  • Kendra Vincent (BHS)

  • Lamonica Davis (EHS)

  • Jeanne Diehl (Glen Springs)


Non-Instructional Collective Bargaining Committee Members:

  • Crystal Tessmann: ACEA Service Unit Director, Chief Negotiator

  • Wanda Durham (ACEA)

  • Shirley Evans (Alachua Elementary)

  • Robin Lancaster (Food Service)

  • Tanya Williams-Johnson (Paraprofessional)

  • Wayne Lawrence (Transportation)



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